Sunday, October 6, 2013

Musically Inclined

I think it's safe to say we're a pretty musically inclined family. We LOVE to dance around to just about anything and are constantly blasting all kinds of crazy music in the house, car or even at the park.  Jack isn't so forthcoming when it comes to new music (or old for that matter) but he'll go along with just about all of it, so the boys and I can't complain.

So when I tossed around the idea of going back to ACL this year for the first time since Jackson's been born, Jack was of course on board. Love him for that. Thankfully my parents are also (and have always been) very in to music and attending live shows so they 'get it'. As in they 'get it' that they have to babysit so I could get my concert fix. This isn't their first rodeo--my mom has taken care of Jackson for two different SXSW's as well. God love that woman.
Needless to say we had a blast. We didn't stay out late or long. It is me we're talking about people so if you know me, you know I had a long list of 'to-dos' for my parents and we were gone for only a few hours and mostly when the boys were asleep anyways. See, OCD never sleeps. But still, fun was definitely had and I am ever-so-grateful for my parents' time and company. 

We told Jackson about the concert going on and he thought it'd be fun to play the part. He decided to wear his sunglasses all throughout the day on Saturday and even while we brunched (indoors no less). He even asked me to tie a napkin around his neck because I was wearing a scarf, so he wanted one too. This kid is something else let me tell ya...
 Here's a video of him singing and 'dancing' to one of his FAVORITE songs: 
Jack and my parents are constantly reminding me I'm creating a mini monster, but you know what? If this is wrong, I don't want to be right ;)

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