Sunday, December 14, 2014

STAR of the show

I'm am thrilled to pieces to tell y'all that Jackson had his very FIRST Christmas program this year! I was sooooo excited to hear about it and the days leading up to it I'm fairly certain were so annoying to him how often I mentioned it. I just knew that this would totally be his time to shine, and boy was I right...
If you've ever spoken to Jackson for more than 3 seconds you know that he is completely outgoing, VERY social and extremely loud. This should not come as a shock to anyone because if you know Jack and I (and my family) you know we are all of the above. I like to refer to it as, genetic confidence. 

Let's just say that Jackson, and James for that matter, will most likely never have to attend a Toastmasters meeting. Like ever. With Jackson this is something I typically have to curb in public and am constantly telling him, "Inside voice please!!!" but I just knew once the kid hit the stage, it was his time.
 He of course was so relaxed in front of the crowd and knew exactly when to get every one's attention. In between songs during a very brief pause, Jackson started shouting at the top of his lungs, "We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". Everyone burst out into laughter, turned towards Jack and I and started clapping for him. He reveled in the attention. 
 Needless to say I was stopped by no less than 35 people (parents, directors, teachers, grandparents, Jackson's peers, etc etc) and told that he was most definitely the star of the show and he was so incredible. 
Jack and I knew this already, but we're so very proud of Jackson and so thankful for such an outgoing little guy. James is most definitely following in his brother's footsteps too. While he isn't old enough for a Christmas program, I can assure you he will also have it 'in the bag' especially with such a rock star older brother :).