Thursday, December 30, 2010

No more cup holder!

While it's been great having something to rest my cell phone, food and even drinks on I can't say that I'll miss this part of the pregnancy. I'd much rather have a flat stomach than a cup holder any day. Witness here the little one holding some sour patch kids, he's pretty good at this huh?

Sour patch kids have become a recent favorite of ours since Jack's mom gave us 3 big bags as a stocking stuffer this Christmas. You better believe they'll be making the 'hospital bag list' of items to pack...Dangerously DELICIOUS!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

37 Weeks...Home streeeccchhhhh

Well, we've come a lonnnngggg way with this kiddo and now we're down to the wire. Weekly Dr's visits, last minute to-do's and 3 weeks to go! Jack and I and the rest of the family are verrrryyy excited to meet this little guy really soon.

I had my Dr's appt today and she said everything is coming along just as planned. I even managed to lose 3 lbs in a week! Don't begin to ask how that happened, total fluke if you ask me. Anyways, she let me know all my stats check out, I've passed all my tests AND this baby will probably end up being on the smaller side so he'll be easy to deliver.

Fingers crossed this good news keeps up and in the mean time I leave you with pictures of the nursery. It's mostly done, we are just awaiting some paintings from his Aunt Hillary and some framed portraits of the rock star himself once he decides to bless us with his presence. If he's anything like his mom he'll be running late ;)

Friday, December 24, 2010

36 WeEkS!!!!!!

Here I am in all of my 36 week glory and my outfit of choice these days...pj's. This kid has grown like crazy and the Dr. has advised me that I am now 1cm dilated...scared? you betcha! I still have a list of things to get done and we haven't even had Christmas yet! I'm thinking that my family secretly wishes I would have the baby over the weekend because they are all in town, but I can assure you this will hopefully not be the case.

In the meantime, I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas! Much love from the Zinda fam, Jack, Missy and Little J or 'young Jeezy' as we've been calling him lately ;)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thank You Sweetheart

In all this posting and pregnancy hoopla I must remember the reason for all of these going-ons and that is due to one very special person in my life, my husband and best friend, Jack. How he has managed to not leave me during all of my crazy rants and end-of-world moments is beyond me and I feel like I just don't give him enough credit. Every time (especially now) I get really sick of being pregnant he'll say just the right thing to make me feel good all over again. Here are just a few examples...

Since we are going 'modern safari' in the nursery I thought it would be absolutely genius to put up these fantastic animal heads in the room:

So they were up and for quite some time until Jack's mockery finally got to me when he said, "Well, I just think these look like some sort of sacrificial altar and we are going to be offering our baby to these animal gods". Needless to say the heads are gone. Your welcome mom.

He also assures me that unlike the movie Labyrinth, Jack will not, I repeat WILL NOT allow David Bowie to steal our baby...

And finally, he reads children's books to our son almost every night and as hard as it is for him to read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! he sticks to the kids' books and refrains from reading 'Jack classics' which include beauties such as The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria and Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman.

So thank you Jack Zinda, thank you for coming up with this material just as I think there isn't anything that can make me feel better, you continue to make me smile every single day.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Parties

Not gonna lie, normally I get really excited about all the Christmas parties and holiday events Jack and I get to go to every season but as I get bigger and bigger and more exhausted the thought of even looking at heels makes me want to cry. Why the dressing up and the heels then you may ask? I like 'appearing' as though I can handle it and I'm having a blast, but secretly I'm changing back into my pj's a mere 2 hours after 'hard core partying'. The husband understands, he's just happy I made it all of 2 hours :) see here, example 1 of me before and after one of our events.

A few more parties to go and we'll wrap up this season with a lovely Christmas in Austin surrounded by food, family and lots of love for this little guy who is already enjoying partying way more than he should.