Saturday, June 29, 2013

Adventures in Gigi-sitting

I have a lot to be thankful for as of late; two beautiful baby boys, a loving husband, our health, but most of all? My mom. She has been and integral part of this new chapter in our lives. She's been here through the thick, the thin, the ugly, the lovely and everything in between. 

We've had some massive amounts of stressful situations aka 'fun' lately. We've swam, played, shopped, napped, cooked, etc. etc. and all to keep our little lion cub (and the newest cub) happy. I'm not one to sit still, like ever so my mom's been a trooper considering the things I've put her through. 

We went to Barton Springs one day and she got in with Jackson (since I could not) while James and I lounged under some trees...
 My mom allowed me to drop her and Jackson off at the train station while James and I patiently waited for them in the nice, cool lobby of the Hilton downtown...
 ...and finally my mom toured the Blanton Art Museum with the boys and I, which isn't necessarily her cup of tea (she prefers the masters) but she placated us and we were thankful :).
We've been through a lot in the past few weeks and I can officially say that I could have NEVER done it without my mami. Gracias Mami por todo. Siempre. Love you and thank you for being our own personal slave :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013


One day while running a million errands the boys, my mom and I passed by a fire station. I asked Jackson if he wanted to see a real life firetruck and he said, "YEA!!!!" quickly I pulled into the fire station and asked the firemen if we could just look around for a few minutes. To my surprise they happily agreed and gave Jackson his own personal tour! 
He was ECSTATIC. The nice firemen allowed the cub to jump inside and test the waters. He got to push buttons, touch gear and even turn on and off lights. 
 The firemen said we could come by any time which in my book means weekly. This boy was SO happy I'm going to make this place one of our regular jaunts.
 Best of all, the firemen gave Jackson some rad stickers which meant he became an 'honorary fireman'. He thought this was the neatest of all and kindly offered one to his momma and one to his little brother, baby James.

I know you can't tell from these pictures, but the boys were elated to become firemen. I mean, can't you just see the excitement on James' face?!!!
 Those firemen haven't a clue what they've gotten themselves into by inviting us over any time...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Visiting Tata

This past week/end we took a road trip to visit my grandfather, Tata. He was dying to meet our James and to see how much Jackson has grown. I think it's safe to safe Tata, Tia Sheila, Tio Ito, and the rest of the family (cousins, neighbors, friends) were ecstatic for the visit. 

I think it's also safe to say Jackson was equally enthralled. He got to go feed the turtles/go fishing at least 3 times while there and participate in all kinds of conversations about his life. This kid LOVES talking so having an audience is always important ;). 
 Tata with his GREAT grand boys! 
 And our baby James doing what he does best...
Thanks for letting us visit family! Miss you guys already :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dada's Day

We had a VERY quiet Father's Day celebration at home. Jack's been busy playing catch up at work so we celebrated him with some nice steaks n' beer--his fave! 
We had lots of fun hanging around outside...
While others preferred staying on the couch in air conditioning...
The boys were both so good and our sweet James even lost his umbilical cord so that meant his first real bath! Jackson was thrilled, as he thought James was going to get in the big tub with him. We had to explain to him that James was too small and he thought it was funny that he was getting a bath in the sink of all places...
Turns out James loved the water just as much as his big brother. It was a great way to end a nice, calm Father's Day. 
 Here's to my dad and to Jack--the most incredible dada these boys (and dog) could EVER ask for! We are so lucky to call you ours :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sweet Baby James

Friends and Family, apologies for the lack of posting, I have once again been a little busy. We've been thoroughly enjoying the newest member of our family and soaking in every single minute because it's been quite sweet thus far.

James Davis Zinda was born June 4, 2013 at 2:34pm. He's a little guy, weighing in at 6 lbs 15 ozs. and measuring 19.4 ins in length. He is absolutely PERFECT. Once again we have so much to be thankful for and thank God daily for sending us another angel for us to look after. God is good.

James has had quite a life thus far--he eats, he sleeps, and every once in a while we have quite a few diapers to change. He is still so tiny so mostly he just sleeps, (I know this will change soon) but he has adjusted to his new world quite well. 

His big brother, Jackson is a little bit confused but he understands perfectly well that he loves him and he is to protect him. Our cub loves his little brother and every once in a while shows us so. 

Rather than explain how it all went down, I'll show you in pictures so please enjoy the birth of our newest boy, James Davis. We are truly, madly and utterly enamored with our James and I hope that you all can enjoy him as much as we do :) 

 Our amazing nurse, Allison (so I don't forget her name)...
 Meeting of the minds...
 James passed his hearing test!!! 
 A heart to heart between brothers...
 Going home! 
 James brought Jackson a train table!