Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Spring Break '14

As mentioned in the previous post we went to Houston this last week during Spring Break. It was a last minute decision and a great one if you ask me. The boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had so much fun visiting with my family...
In addition to visiting the family we thought it'd be nice to take in the Houston sights. We heard THE Magna Carta was in town and being the good nerds we are, we decided to check it out at the Natural History Museum...
Jackson surprisingly thought this exhibit was pretty cool (he is so our son) and told his teachers at school that he saw the Magna Carta in Houston and wrote it himself... 
aka he drew a replica...Regardless, they were impressed with his knowledge ;)
You know we couldn't leave the museum without checking out a few dinosaurs...
and even ride one! 
James asked to go see the insect exhibit, but the boys ended up being unimpressed... 
 Until we walked into the butterfly sanctuary. Then their faces lit up, especially James'. He seemed to love it...
Thank you momma! 
some brotherly love...
 and then we wandered outside in the park in order for James to finish out his nap in the stroller. Turns out there were some kids rolling down the hill and Jackson wanted to try it as well. He's never done this before so Jack and I had to show him a few times before he got the hang of it...
 The following day we decided to take them to Space Center Houston where the boys got to go into outer space and see planet earth from above....
 I'm not gonna lie, it sounds A LOT cooler than it actually was. In this day and age I feel as though our iphones can do way more than any space shuttle can and when we asked Jackson what his favorite part about the trip was he said, "the SLIDE!". Don't we look happy though!!?!?
 Best part about the Space Center was definitely the souvenirs. I told Jackson he could have absolutely anything he wanted and he needed to choose something for James as well, (he was asleep in the baby carrier). Jackson chose the 'space osito' for James (of course) and some astronaut gummies for himself. He didn't care that they wouldn't last more than five minutes and he had to share with momma and dada, that's what he wanted. So that's what he got. Oh, and they were gone in three minutes...
Spring Break 2014 in the bag. Houston, you were good to us. Cheesy Space Center and all. Family, thank you for having us and spending time with the boys. I'm so glad we got to see y'all and can't wait to see you again soon!

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