Sunday, March 9, 2014

James Fish

James has started swim lessons. He actually started at the beginning of the semester (mid January) but we've only now come to a point in class where he can take make up classes on Saturdays. 

We've missed a class here and there and Jack has been dying to get into the pool with our Jamesie, (as Jackson calls him) so a few Saturdays ago we decided to take a make up class with Dada. 
 As you can tell, both guys were really excited about this. James couldn't believe it wasn't me that was holding him and I have to admit, I'm not big on sharing my boys. Even with their Dada. Jack promised me everything would be ok so I stood back and took pictures...
 James L-O-V-E-S the water so it wasn't even a question as to whether he'd enjoy swim lessons or not. I wasn't in the least bit concerned.
 Turns out he enjoys the pool even more than bath time. I really didn't even think that was possible, but it is! He's learning how to kick, hangs on to the side of the pool, is holding his breath for seconds under water and enjoys standing up and playing on the island.

He's so great. Sooooo easy going and we are really proud of him!
 Jackson is proud of him too, he was excited to watch James swim and thought it was sooooo cool that Dada was there.
 Jackson was making up a class as well (which is why he was swimming) and was thrilled to pieces to show James how he goes down the slide. It was really cute.
 And because Jackson isn't one to let me forget him, like ever, he asked me to take pictures of him in my most recent purchase and his latest obsession....
 His triceratops swim goggles go EVERYWHERE with us. If you think they are just for swimming you are dead wrong, let me tell you.

But back to our James....He is truly enjoying his swim lessons and is getting better and better with every class. Oh, and in case you were wondering, Jackson is too. He's such a great swimmer now and we are really proud of him as well :)

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