Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year...New News!

 Happy 2013 everybody! A little late? Well, I'm only now getting back into the swing of things after a much needed RELAXING remainder of my 2012.

As previously stated, Jackson and I spent the rest of our 2012 (and so far the majority of our 2013) in El Paso. Jack flew up for New Year's weekend and we spent New Year's Eve as a family, quietly at home...
 Well, after a 5:30 dinner that is. These days it's pretty difficult to wrangle our cub in a restaurant so dinners have to be pushed up to senior citizen time. Once upon a time, we were eating dinners at 9pm, checking out parties by 10:30, and then hitting up some after parties around 1am. Those days are LONG gone and now we're home happily asleep by 9. What fun no? But I digress...
Dinner was fun, and most exciting? We were awoken at midnight by what sounded like gun shots and the dogs going mad. We couldn't figure out what was going on until we remembered, oh wait! Happy New Years and those guns are fireworks! Wow! Clearly we RANG in our New Year's ;)
And the news? Well...Jackson is going to be a big brother! The reason for the delay in sharing is; 1) It took me a while (like 12-14wks along) to actually believe I was pregnant and 2) We've been SO crazy busy, it seems like since September (month of conception) that I really haven't thought too much about it. 

That being said, we are OVER THE MOON excited, have been VERY thankful for a smooth, easy pregnancy thus far and cannot wait to meet the newest member of the family due June 5, 2013! I promise to post more updates on the pregnancy but I'm hoping that this remarkably easy pregnancy means a remarkably easy delivery/baby (yea right, right?!?!). 
Here's to an exciting 2013 full of love, laughter and a new baby!!! 

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