Wednesday, November 7, 2012

SU Basketball

This past weekend was Southwestern University's homecoming. As such, Jack was invited to play in the alumni basketball game and asked if Jackson and I would go watch. We gladly obliged...
 Only, he got a little bored after the fist quarter.
 Then we realized that the quarters were in fact turning into halves, and then into games, and then into more quarters, halves and games...Confused? Yes we were also. Turns out dada didn't tell us what exactly was going on. They played well over 6 "games" and we were beat!
 Evidently so were the alum...
 Our lion cub was a great sport though. He cheered on dada and only tried to run onto the court about 25 times. Can you blame him though? He's not one to sit on the side lines and watch. He's a go-getta...
Jack was really excited that Jackson finally got to see him play basketball and Jackson has a new found love for the sport. We can't wait to watch him play ball when he's older! 

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