Friday, November 30, 2012

Mexico...Minus Uno

After Thanksgiving we decided to hop on a plane to Mexico for a friend's wedding in Merida. I desperately wanted Jackson to come along with and had full intentions of him doing so but the truth of the matter is he would have been cooped up in a hotel room for the majority of the stay with some nanny I've never met before. Not ok. In this case Jack was right, we were better off leaving him behind in Kingwood with my aunts/uncles/tata/cousins. 

It takes a village to raise our boy, and in this case he got just that. His main 'conservators' were my Tia Sheila and Tio Ito whom he loves and trusts completely. I lost it (of course) when I left him but he didn't seem to mind a single bit and instead lined up all of his cars to play with my cousins Alex & Nikko as my Tata watched on. 

Everyone assured me he would be perfectly fine and most importantly, they had a slew of events planned for our cub. While away, I of course called WAY too many times but my aunt was always on point and answered and was constantly updating us with pictures. In my book--perfect babysitting. 

Jackson had a blast in his huge luxurious bubble baths...
Was enamored with Duke & Duchess (who he still talks about daily)...
And even got up close and personal with a few jetliners! 
He was in heaven. These were just some of the events this boy got to partake in. I was told (and shown) he got to spend time with my Tia Brenda, Tio Swami, cousins, Swami & Danny and all the neighborhood kids/adults my family are friends with. He was given a whole LOTTA love during his stay and we are forever indebted to my family for watching over him. I know, he is most definitely a handful, but he's our handful and thank you guys for loving him just as much as we do!

And the wedding? Perfection. It was nice to have a family vacation and in such a beautiful location! We've promised to take Jackson back so that he doesn't feel as though he missed out on anything. I really did feel guilty the entire time. He's excited to visit!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This Thanksgiving we had a whole lot to be thankful for. Our blessings have grown by leaps and bounds lately and it was good to share them amongst family...
 Jackson was especially thankful for all of this lovely comida he got to consume and especially loved Grammy's fruit filled jello.
Thank you for hosting us Grammy & Pops! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Texans FIGHT!

Sunday marked a right of passage for our little cub. A right of passage for any little boy for that matter--  The day his dad takes him to a real life football game. It just so happens that this boy's first real life football game was of the NFL variety, he was decked out in the team's gear AND he sat in a luxury box. Would you expect anything less for our Jackson? Of course not....
 Come to think of it this isn't this boy's first rodeo. He attended his first real life NFL utero. I think he preferred the view on the outside though...
 He had a BLAST eating popcorn, watching the 'fuego' (fire show), clapping for all the plays, cheering, 'TEXANS FIGHT!!!!!' (truth be told we actually taught him UT's 'Texas Fight!' but our suite mates couldn't tell the difference and loved him none-the-less) and causing all kinds of raucous.

Sadly we only made it to half time because this cub is SERIOUS when it comes to his napping. He kept running out of the suite saying, "Vamos, casa, vamos Chaucy, vamos, vamos" and when he says, 'vamos' we vamos.

All in all a great experience, he was definitely the favorite man around! Special thanks to Tio Ito & Tia Sheila who decked out our cub in his fitting Texans gear. He was so proud to be wearing those colors!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

SU Basketball

This past weekend was Southwestern University's homecoming. As such, Jack was invited to play in the alumni basketball game and asked if Jackson and I would go watch. We gladly obliged...
 Only, he got a little bored after the fist quarter.
 Then we realized that the quarters were in fact turning into halves, and then into games, and then into more quarters, halves and games...Confused? Yes we were also. Turns out dada didn't tell us what exactly was going on. They played well over 6 "games" and we were beat!
 Evidently so were the alum...
 Our lion cub was a great sport though. He cheered on dada and only tried to run onto the court about 25 times. Can you blame him though? He's not one to sit on the side lines and watch. He's a go-getta...
Jack was really excited that Jackson finally got to see him play basketball and Jackson has a new found love for the sport. We can't wait to watch him play ball when he's older! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


As you could tell from the previous post our boy went as a burro this year. If you recall, Jackson became enamored with these animals back in June when he met them face to face. He was OBSESSED all summer long with them and so when I asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween this year (from a list of pictures) he went for the burro. 

A lot of people thought he was Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh but he hasn't a clue who Eeyore is. He was a burro. I was nice enough not to correct anyone though. See I'm nice! Sometimes...
Anyhow, he didn't quite understand the concept of knocking on people's doors and saying "trick or treat!" but then when they started handed him candy he got it. It only took about two houses for him to run up to people's homes and say, "candies, candies!!!" and hold his hand out begging. He of course said "thank you"--but out of earshot of the the people handing out the candy.

Here he was banging on our neighbor friend, Aaron's door and asking for "Aaron y candies!". He obviously got both...
We then headed to our friend Matt Davis' parents house in Northwest Hills. We did this last year as well and will most likely do it from here on out (unless uninvited) because they really do live in the perfect neighborhood.

Here we are headed to a party/trick-or-treat stop and came across a beautiful buck, Jackson loves "venados" so he was loving it.
A little post party family picture time: 
And the brains behind the operation, Zinda & Davis, PLLC. Jack will be happy I hyperlinked that ;)
And our phenomenal host the, "Legendary Indian of Far West Blvd"
Matt and Holly's son, Max went as Batman and he and Jackson had sooooo much fun hanging out/trick-or-treating together. 
Halloween 2012 was a great success and Jack and I had even more fun eating our boy's candies while he slept ;).