Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jackson goes Tagging

OK, not really--heads would roll if we even joked about tagging. We actually just admired the artwork. Thank goodness for Jack in our lives--he keeps us legal ;). 
The Baylor Street Art Wall is the largest outdoor mural in Austin. It is owned by my old boss and he in turn donated it to the H.O.P.E. Project for the next few years to raise awareness about their campaign. 
 Honestly I wanted to see what had become of his beloved 'Castle' (the castle at the top of this picture) because back when I worked for him, part of my job was managing the castle and the surrounding grounds. You better believe I kept this place in PRISTINE condition so when I found out the following had occurred my mouth dropped.
I can't complain too much though, the man did donate the space and eventually it'll become some pretty cool condos (initial plan for this space). 

Also--Jackson had a blast wandering the grounds and it made for some pretty colorful pictures...
 He was pretty scared of that giant rabbit structure and I don't blame him that thing is SCARY! Here he is too distracted by the thing to even look at the camera...
All in all it made for an interesting and COLORFUL afternoon. Hope our cub doesn't get any ideas though.

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