Mai Mais are little pillows--or as the rest of the world calls them 'security blankets' that various members in my family have used since childhood. Apparently we always have to be doing something with our hands so mai mais are introduced to us as babies. We noticed Jackson having to do the same thing with his hands in order to go to sleep so I would just put a little muslin lovey over his face and in his hands to help him fall asleep faster.
My mom picked up on this last time she was in town so decided to have some mai mais made for him. He LOVES his new little pillow and uses it every time he takes a nap or goes to sleep for the night.
I've had different variations of my own mai mai since I was a baby and still use it today. That's right, its followed me from my teenage years, to my college dorm room, to life as a married girl and now even as a mom. A lot of the men in our family even have their mai mais! Hopefully Jackson won't get made fun of toooo much when he takes his into a frat house one day ;)
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