Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Lovely Day

As we all know yesterday was my birthday and what a fantastic day I had, but it didn't start off that way...At 3:30am (Jackson's feeding time) he decided to give me his own birthday present. As I was changing him, we had a projectile disaster of epic proportions. I mean, I STILL cannot wrap my head around the amount of clean up that I had to do from such a tiny person! I'll spare y'all the details (and definitely NO pictures) but lets just say I ended up washing ALL of his stuffed animals, everything on the changing table, the floor, the door to his room and because God is truly gracious I was saved from washing the couch by 6 inches.

I think our friend Jessica said it best--"He just got so excited about your birthday" ummm ya think? When I looked back he of course had the BIGGEST smile on his face and said, "goooooo". I had just been telling my friend Hillary when she asked me if I just want to lose it sometimes that he always manages to get a big smile on his face when I'm about to....see Hil? He did it AGAIN!

Anyways, the rest of the day went phenomenally. Jackson, Burrito and I made it to Town Lake and had a cup of Starbucks by Stevie Ray Vaughn, we took a leisurely stroll and when I got home I had a gorgeous arrangement of flowers at the front door and a present at the foot of our stairs.

As if he hasn't already given me enough, the amazing unbelievably brilliant husband got me the most fierce pair of shoes EVER and then took me to a fantastic French dinner at one of my favorite restaurants here in Austin. There I divulged in my favorite, a French 75 and finished off the evening with the most amazing apple pear tart ever.

Special thanks to my amazing brother and sister-in-law Mayra for watching the little monster while Jack and I enjoyed a fab dinner. So glad he didn't have a repeat incident for them ;)

1 comment:

  1. Jon wants "measurements" from this big event. He thinks you should add them to Jackson's baby book... you know, for stories to tell his high school girlfriends!
