Thursday, September 25, 2014

'The Girls' were Back in Town!

That's right! Our twin friends, Mara and Luisana were in town last weekend from El Paso. Their parents were in town for some business, which meant we got the twins all to ourselves during the day. Jackson was beside himself with excitement at the thought of even seeing the twins for a few minutes, let alone ALL weekend long!

We picked them up at their hotel Saturday afternoon and started off at the Children's Museum... 
By the way you'll see very few pictures of our sweet James boy in these shots. The twins aren't the biggest fans of him, and he quite frankly doesn't care anyways....
That night Jack stayed home with our bear cub (James) and we thought it a fun idea to show the girls (and Jackson) the famous Congress bridge bats! 

They had surprisingly heard of them all their own and actually asked me to take them so I happily obliged even though it was WAY past Jackson's bedtime. I guess you only live once and for one night I didn't have to be such a stickler. 

Y'all, we even took a rickshaw there! I was terrified to be doing this with kids, in traffic, in Austin but happy to say we survived! 
Jackson was in his pjs because like I said, it was past his bedtime and you'd better believe we drove home QUICK after the bat debacle....
....and what a debacle it was. We waited for one whole hour for the bats to show and they barely started waking up around 8:15. By that time the girls and Jackson were exhausted and over it. All three of them asked to go back to the hotel so we did just that and called it a night...
The following morning we woke up, picked up the girls, headed to breakfast, shopping and then lounged by the hotel pool the remainder of the afternoon. 
 Jackson was SO overexcited he passed out in the girls' room as they were taking a shower and didn't even wake up when there were about 6 people in the room talking over him. It was pretty crazy!
 From the hotel/nap time we headed to a park, played until dinner time and then went home to meet up with James (the annoying one, as the girls would say).
 The girls even got to spend the night! (for a few hours anyways) They didn't like the idea at first but pretty much had to as their parents were busy. They aren't the biggest fans of staying at other people's houses or sharing clothes/sheets so I had to promise them I'd change Jackson's sheets with fresh ones and leave all the lights on when they slept. It was hilarious. Jack said they sounded just like me. I for one didn't blame them and had no problem cleaning (the already clean room) up prior to their sleep.
 Fun times were definitely had by all and the girls cannot wait to see Jackson again in El Paso. Jackson of course has asked for them daily since their departure and is counting down the days when he gets to see and play with them again. As for our James, well he just doesn't give a damn, he's just happy being James--and that's why we love him :).

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