Sunday, March 2, 2014

Soccer Not

I recently enrolled Jackson in soccer to get him started playing sports and more importantly playing on a team. Also I figured he would love running outside, I mean he enjoys it with us?! 

Turns out I was dead wrong. On all parts. While I don't think he dislikes soccer, I definitely wouldn't say it's his favorite either. It took a lot of convincing just to get him on the field. 
Here is Jack trying to convince him it's 'SO MUCH FUN, JUST LOOK!'
Jackson on the other hand explained to us that he'd MUCH rather swim. He ran over to the pool at least a half dozen times unable to understand why he was running around on an empty field and not swimming in the pool. 
 He did his bit--ran the drills, listened and even got the ball into the goal! 
But I will neither confirm nor deny the ludicrous amount of bribery that went down to get him to do the very little he did. 
It was comical to say the least. I felt bad because Tia Jo came out JUST to watch our cub run that ball (and hang out with James on the sidelines of course) and he just wasn't having it. 
 Here it looks like he's participating (and he was somewhat)...
 but he was actually running in the opposite direction of where the ball was going...
Jack tried to explain further but he ran straight into the goal. He thought it was funny...truth is, so did I! 
He's improved in his subsequent practices, in that he doesn't complain as much but honestly, it's just fun to watch! We'll keep y'all posted ;)

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