Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow Days

Most recently we've had some pretty eventful weather here in Austin. This past Friday (and today) the temperature plummeted into the 30's and so school was canceled and a lot of businesses were closed for the day. Not Jack's though. Never ever Jack's. I'm fairly certain he'll be working when the Apocalypse rolls in but back to my story...

Since AISD shut their doors Jackson was out of commission and so James and I decided to join in on the fun and also be out of commission. Our day started off by not getting out of bed, (well except to make it, just to get back in...OCD, OCD).... 
We got bundled up and went outside for 2 seconds but decided it just wasn't worth it to even try and play in the 'snow'...
 So James decided to nap and Jackson and I decided to luxuriate in hour long showers. It was pretty awesome!

After naps we decided to bake some brownies. We were REALLY excited about this because 1) we try and stay away from too many sweets and 2) I don't know how to bake to save my life. If you know me, you know I can make absolutely any savory dish in the world but I can't bake. I try and I try and I try and it just doesn't happen. I don't know why. Maybe it's the measuring part?
Jackson and James insisted on waiting for the brownies to be done. In front of the oven. The entire 45 minutes it took for them to bake....
And guess what folks? We made some brownies AND they were delicious. SOOOO delicious in fact we ate the whole thing, but not before I took a picture...
I know this may not be impressive to you, but to me this is like I just ran a marathon or something. I can't believe it actually worked! The boys were SO impressed and SO happy that we ate the whole batch :). 
 After a beautiful and sunny (see picture below for proof) weekend we were right back to our icy beginning...
....And right back to movies in made beds, 'playing' with our toys, and luxurious hour long baths. No baking the 2nd time around though, don't want to push my luck ;)
 Pretty perfect snow days if you ask me. We don't get to just chill often so we take these days pretty seriously y'all ;).

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Thinkery

The Thinkery in Austin is a new Children's museum that opened over by Mueller airport. It replaced the old Children's museum and this one is WAYYYYY better if you ask me.
Jackson and James think so as well. They had so much exploring all of the different exhibits and we decided to become members. Since we went the first time a few weeks ago we've been back twice and have plans to go again this next weekend. It's for a birthday party so we have a good excuse. 
Even though it's a complete madhouse on the weekends, it's a good place to take the kids to to get their energy out. Jackson is obsessed with this place...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jackson turns 3!!!

Can we believe this happened? I'm still in denial. Pretty sure I just found out I was pregnant with Jackson and then bam, here I am with a 3 year old and another boy who is pushing this 1 thing pretty hard lately. 

Of course I was elated for my lion cub's third birthday but I definitely got a little verklempt when I actually realized he is getting older and there is nothing I can do to stop it. For now we are living in the moment though and he is, and always will be my baby boy. 
 Per my usual MO, I decorated Jackson's room while he slept and bought him a mylar balloon that hung over his bed. His room is almost pitch black when we shut his curtains so he woke up that morning saying, "What's this, what is this? what is all this? what is this all about?"...
 We then ran into his room and sang 'Happy Birthday' and had James give Jackson all his gifts....
 Jackson loved all of his presents from Gigi, Abuelo, James, my aunt and uncle and his El Paso clan. He thought he was done opening presents, but then we told him we had one BIG surprise for him in the garage...
 Yup, a trampoline!!! Jack stayed up into the wee hours of the morning the night before putting it together and it was well worth it. Pretty sure Jackson's head exploded. Pretty sure James' did as well :). The boys have lovvvveeeeeeeddddddd this gift and we have now spent hourrsssssss on it outside. 
 After jumping we told Jackson he could have whatever he wanted for breakfast that day so he asked for Taco Deli and Starbucks. This kid. He is alllllll mine :) 
The remainder of the morning was spent playing/napping/prepping for his wildly awesome Birthday party. 

It just so happened Jackson's party fell on his actual birthday this year so everything was pretty regimented. James, my parents and I showed up first to decorate and Jack and Jackson were about 30 minutes behind so that the cub could finish out his nap. 

The calm before the storm...
In case there was any doubt, this party was a dinosaur theme. All the kids got their very own 'dino box' full of Jackson's favorite treats and an apatosaurus-shaped peanut butter and honey sandwich (Jackson's absolute favorite). 
Everyone had mini bundt cakes for dessert...
and had the option to dress up like a dinosaur as well...
The piece de résistance was the piñata my mom bought and brought all the way from El Paso. It was a head turner. Y'all should have seen the looks and heard the commotion this thing caused! Everyone fell madly in love with it and we decided it would be best to donate it to Book People because the horse triceratops piñata took up a lot of room in our house. Oh and there was nooooo wayyyyy we were going to break this thing. It would surely have taken 3 hours to make a dent....
James took full advantage of having a party all to himself for 30 minutes....
 then the guests arrived... 
 the birthday boy arrived in style, (aka a little late) and was blown away. It was awesome to see his face and completely worth all planning to see that. 

Everyone enjoyed the puppet show...
and then it was time for cake! 
 The kids continued to run around for a bit, but shortly after everyone left and the party of the century was over. Jackson had an absolute blast and I hope all of his friends did as well. We packed up, went home, opened presents and both boys were in bed and asleep by 7pm. They were TIRED, it was AWESOME. 

All in all a successful 3rd birthday and definitely one for the books! My sweet Jackson--stay young, but mostly just stay you. You are perfect and we worship and adore you. You are forever the sun in my universe, my boy, my Jackson.