We were invited to Jack's friend and fraternity brother, Charlie Stern's wedding in Washington D.C. so we decided to make a trip out of it and take our cub (and my parents) along for the ride!
Jack is in charge of buying plane tickets in this house and he secretly put us on the same flight from Dallas as my parents were on. They had NO IDEA and thought we were just meeting them in D.C.
When Jackson saw them walking in the airport he RAN through soooo many people and jumped into Gigi and Abuelo's arms! It was a great surprise moment and they were all happy campers.
Once there, we settled in and mapped out our itinerary for the days to follow. Jackson's favorite DC landmark? The subway. Yup, he was obsessed with the tren (train).
We very slowly peeled him off the subway by telling him all about the Smithsonian's we were about to visit. He was enthralled with the Space and Aviation museum and adored the dinosaurs and elephant at the Natural History one.

Jackson even got to go to his very first planetarium which he thought was soooooo riveting ;).
We got to tour the Capitol building as well as the White House. Jackson of course was a perfect angel on both tours (not at all) and made sooooo many friends along the way.
Special thanks to the groom who hooked us up with last minute White House tour passes and gave the tour himself! If anyone is ever in need of the best tour guide known to man, please contact Charlie Stern. He was seriously unbelievable AND he was getting married the next day!

One of Jack's other friends (and fraternity brothers) Matt Stevens just moved to DC with his lovely wife Clare and their 3 month old, Olivia. We were able to catch up with them and meet the sweet girl herself.
Jackson was an absolute doll with Olivia. He kept wanting to hold her hand and sit next to her. It was really sweet to see. That is until he decided to pick up a pile of dirt and throw it in her face. I'd like to think it was because we were overrunning his nap time. Regardless, it was pretty embarrassing.
Clare and Matt LOVED my parents and asked them, not us (wonder why) to come back whenever they'd like. Thanks for meeting us guys, promise our boy will be better behaved next time around ;)
On our last day we toured Alexandria, VA where incidentally the wedding was held. The town was beautiful and my parents even pretended to move in:The wedding itself was absolutely spectacular chalked full of Fall perfection. This is a real place people!
Special thanks to all of our friends who made our vacation so easy and pleasant and GRACIAS mami y papi por toda su ayuda!!! Love you guys :)
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