We are writing this post because Jackson has so far had one HECK of a Halloween and it's not even Halloween yet!
First up: Annual costume pictures in front of el old "Capitolio" as our boy calls it. He's been here so many times now he knows when we are driving by it and always yells out 'Capitolio Mama, Capitolio!'. I love that the Texas State Capitol building is one of his favorite places, such a politico already ;)
Samaya met us there as well, she was a monkey!
We've come a LONG way in a year yes!?!!

Next up we met Grammy & Pops out in Marble Falls at Sweetberry Farms. Mom of the year award goes out to yours truly. I accidently forgot Jackson's jacket, gloves and hat on the kitchen counter and didn't realize it until we got there. Thus the 'Star Wars' garb.
Hey, I had to improvise it was COLD! Embarrassing fact: people kept stopping and staring and one man asked me if we dressed up our kid like some kind of shepard bible thumper. True story. Mortified.
Jackson however had a great time! What a great sport our boy is!
AND Jackson got to ride a horse for the first time! He seemed kind of scared but he went along for the ride and waved hello to all the horses passing by.
That night we were invited to an adult/kid Halloween party so Jack and Jackson got to dress up :) 

And that wraps up our pre-Halloween celebration. Tune in later this week for the real deal Halloween!