Saturday was a big day for our sweet angel! Jackson Clayton Zinda was baptized in front of friends and family and most importantly in front of God at St. Theresa's Catholic Church here in Austin.
The day started off like any other with his regular feedings, naps and playtime. I let him hang out in his pj's all day so that he could be nice and relaxed for church. As we were going upstairs to get ready we sat down and had a little chat about what was going to happen and that he had to be on his best behavior because all eyes would be on him. He promised he would be good and told me he was really excited about his day.

We got to church extra early because I'm usually running late to absolutely everything and we actually ended up having a few minutes to sit and breathe before it all went down. As soon as the priest walked in we got the boy dressed in his baptismal gown and took our spot right next to the pool.
Jackson's AMAZING Godparents:


Proud Momma and Poppa Bear:
With his uncles...
Jackson did so great during the entire process and was being especially chatty when the priest was giving the blessing. My brother (his Godfather) thought the boy would cry when the water was poured over him but the cub ended up thinking it was hilarious and smiled a whole lot.

The theme of the baptism was 'little lamb of God' so everything from his invites, cupcakes and even his party favors that his Godmother Sophia got him had lambs on them. His Aunt Regina even got him a stuffed lamb that gave him loads of kisses for good luck!
After the beautiful (and short) ceremony Jackson asked me to take him out of his 'girly' dress and put him into some real clothes so we obliged by putting him in a cute linen short set. We then headed to dinner and then straight home because after such a special day our boy was especially exhausted.

Many thanks to all of our friends and family who made this day that much more special with your presence. From the bottom of his little heart Jackson thanks you and Jack and I feel truly blessed and honored that our son is surrounded by so much love.
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