Case in point...

While I truly love this outfit the first time I put him in it his dad almost had a fit and after he wore it today to venture out I've decided we are done with it. Sorry mom, but here's the back story:
There is a nail salon I go to where I usually get a pedicure, they know us there and are completely OK with me bringing Jackson in because they love talking to him and seeing how big he is getting. When I went in this morning though they kept calling him a girl. Like I said, they know us...we go in there at least twice a month and they ALWAYS say how big HE is getting. Today they kept saying 'she' this and 'she' that. I didn't even bother correcting them because I could just hear Jack in the back of my head saying, 'see I told you so'. That was example numero uno of the day.
Example 2: We then headed over to Old Navy and I had the boy in his baby Bjorn. This lady came up to us and grabbed his feet and hands and said, "You are the most beautiful little girl I have EVER seen! She is simply precious!!! What's her name?!?!" without skipping a beat I responded, "Jane. Her name is Jane".
Defeated. Jack: 1 Missy: 0
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