Solution: While my original plan was to make a fantastic silhouette of the boy's beautifully egg-shaped head, I tried and tried and it was just never up to par.
Further Solution: I decided to do something different and make the letter 'J' (for Jackson...duh) out of buttons. I figured this would be A LOT easier, faster, and all around more colorful than anything I had been attempting previously using paint/pens/computer/technology.
Materials: buttons, glue, bath toy letter 'J', card stock, pen. Assemble materials accordingly.


although, my assistant was more trouble than he was worth so choose your assistant wisely.
So after a feeding, some playtime, 3 loads of laundry, 1.5 naps, 1 way-too-friendly FedEx guy, a barking dog, some drool, and 4 or 5 diaper changes you get this:

You know I HAD to add the bee buttons--I'm the one making the craft here so my 'signature' has to be somewhere in there.

i love... nice work little miss artsy fartsy!