This past Memorial Day weekend was loadsssss of fun! The boy's Grandpa and Gigi came into town and he had an absolute BLAST with them. He also got to experience his first time on Lake Travis and once again he LOVED the water.
Saturday we rented a boat, my mom made some salads, we bought wayyyyy too many beers and we hit the lake. His uncles and aunt Mayra were really excited to see how Jackson would react on the water and (I think anyways) they were thoroughly impressed by how well he did. In fact we all were--there were a lot of instances of rough patches and us being splashed heavily by water (Jack likes to have fun when he drives boats ;)) and he just sleppptttt in his grandpa's lap as if nothing were going on. We really couldn't believe it but he just closed his eyes and went straight to sleep.
When we finally anchored and started swimming Jackson woke up, asked to be put in his shark outfit and floaty and joined us in having a beer on the cool waters of Lake Travis. Well, we had beers, he just ate his hands.
We spent the rest of the weekend shopping, eating and laughing which is our usual M.O. when my parents come into town. Oh! and because she is the Queen of Cheese (I guess that makes me the princess) my mom bought all the boys swim shirts in our favorite 2011 colors--NEON!!! Fortunately they only had white in the lion's size but he very much enjoyed being part of the gang ;)