I hope everyone had a fun and blessed Easter holiday. We had a fantastic time spending it with all of our family--my parents came in for the weekend and Jack's parents came to visit on Saturday. All in all we had a great time and young Jeezy very much enjoyed all the attention being paid to him.
I loved dressing him in his Spanish-style clothes which yes, are a bit feminine but he looked so darn cute I really couldn't resist. See picture below (day outfit): Here you will find Jackson wearing a typical dress with a diaper cover. Jack and I decided that while sleeping, Jackson looked like a drugged Hansel from Hansel and Gretel . Doesn't it look like the wicked witch is about to bake him into a child pie? I think yes...

Here he is being sweet with his Gigi:

And here he is being all fancy while lifting his dress to show off his sweet abs:

We OF COURSE had to change him for church so we then put him in a Spanish-style romper and ran out the door to catch the 5pm Saturday mass. Only problem? They had moved the regularly scheduled 5pm mass to 8:30pm because of Easter. Being the 'good' catholics that we are, we decided to run into church, ask for forgiveness for missing mass on Easter and we ended up having an impromptu photo session to note the special occasion. Don't judge. If y'all had an empty church all to yourselves I'm fairly certain y'all would also have a photo session to mark the event.
...Anyways here are the action shots:
Singing Hymns:
Tio Jorge and Tia Mayra

Momma and Daddy:

Tio Bibi praying for forgiveness:

Happy Easter :))))
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