Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Extravaganza

I hope everyone had a fun and blessed Easter holiday. We had a fantastic time spending it with all of our family--my parents came in for the weekend and Jack's parents came to visit on Saturday. All in all we had a great time and young Jeezy very much enjoyed all the attention being paid to him.
I loved dressing him in his Spanish-style clothes which yes, are a bit feminine but he looked so darn cute I really couldn't resist. See picture below (day outfit): Here you will find Jackson wearing a typical dress with a diaper cover. Jack and I decided that while sleeping, Jackson looked like a drugged Hansel from Hansel and Gretel . Doesn't it look like the wicked witch is about to bake him into a child pie? I think yes...

Here he is being sweet with his Gigi:

And here he is being all fancy while lifting his dress to show off his sweet abs:

We OF COURSE had to change him for church so we then put him in a Spanish-style romper and ran out the door to catch the 5pm Saturday mass. Only problem? They had moved the regularly scheduled 5pm mass to 8:30pm because of Easter. Being the 'good' catholics that we are, we decided to run into church, ask for forgiveness for missing mass on Easter and we ended up having an impromptu photo session to note the special occasion. Don't judge. If y'all had an empty church all to yourselves I'm fairly certain y'all would also have a photo session to mark the event.
...Anyways here are the action shots:
Singing Hymns:
Tio Jorge and Tia Mayra

Momma and Daddy:

Tio Bibi praying for forgiveness:

Happy Easter :))))
Friday, April 22, 2011
This past Monday lion cub, Gigi and I went to go visit my friend Jeanna who just had a beautiful baby boy named Bobby. While there we took in all the sights of their lovely home, Squanto (their dog), Bobby's awesome cowboy room and of course the man of the hour, Bobby himself.
I got to hold little Bobby and I could NOT believe how small he was compared to our huge guy! It's hard to think that only 3 months ago Jackson was Bobby's size. It seems like I just blinked and now we have a 15 pound sack of potatoes on our hands!
But I digress...Jackson was very pleased with everything he took in but something he wasn't a fan of? His momma holding little Bobby. Jackson was NOT a fan of attention being paid to another baby that wasn't him. My mom was holding him while I held Bobby and we had to switch after Jackson caught wind that I was holding another baby. As soon as the hand-off occurred Jackson became calm and happy again...what a punk huh?
I held Jackson and Jeanna gave me Bobby again and Jackson seemed ok with this arrangement, as long as the boy was being held his momma could hold anyone else she wanted. He was so ok with it that he ended up grabbing Bobby's hand and holding it letting him know that he was an 'ok' guy and they are going to be the best of friends.

Jackson has also met his little friend Caroline Elizabeth Froelich who was born one day before him but alas, we don't have any pictures of them :( Next up on the friend meeting: Collier Ellis Stoner who was born 3 months before him AND (cannot wait to meet her) Leighton Elizabeth Cumberworth who we will be meeting hopefully at the end of this month via skype because that chick lives in Dubai with her parents, Jon and Hillary :)))))
I got to hold little Bobby and I could NOT believe how small he was compared to our huge guy! It's hard to think that only 3 months ago Jackson was Bobby's size. It seems like I just blinked and now we have a 15 pound sack of potatoes on our hands!
But I digress...Jackson was very pleased with everything he took in but something he wasn't a fan of? His momma holding little Bobby. Jackson was NOT a fan of attention being paid to another baby that wasn't him. My mom was holding him while I held Bobby and we had to switch after Jackson caught wind that I was holding another baby. As soon as the hand-off occurred Jackson became calm and happy again...what a punk huh?
I held Jackson and Jeanna gave me Bobby again and Jackson seemed ok with this arrangement, as long as the boy was being held his momma could hold anyone else she wanted. He was so ok with it that he ended up grabbing Bobby's hand and holding it letting him know that he was an 'ok' guy and they are going to be the best of friends.

Jackson has also met his little friend Caroline Elizabeth Froelich who was born one day before him but alas, we don't have any pictures of them :( Next up on the friend meeting: Collier Ellis Stoner who was born 3 months before him AND (cannot wait to meet her) Leighton Elizabeth Cumberworth who we will be meeting hopefully at the end of this month via skype because that chick lives in Dubai with her parents, Jon and Hillary :)))))
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I'm seriously obsessed with before/after pics...could look at them ALL day long. LOVE restoring old furniture, I mean, I've only done it once to a horrible file cabinet that was from the 20's but as soon as this kid can walk around I'm having him help his momma sand some furniture down and paint like mad!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Thank You Freddie Mercury

Music is a very important part of my life, I'm always singing, searching for new bands and LOVE when I find a new beat to jam out to. As many of you know and for those of you who don't, Led Zeppelin is my absolute favorite and while I do listen to EVERYTHING under the sun Classic Rock is probably at the top of my list for musical genre. Awesome for me, bad for the little one.
Since Classic Rock is my fave, the only real lyrics I know to songs are the ones in this category....Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Guns N' Roses, and ya you guessed it, Queen. Jackson's favorite seems to be Bohemian Rhapsody. Whenever I belt this one out he stops dead in his tracks, smiles, sings along with me and it really is the ONLY song he seems to respond to fully.
Jack and my mom didn't believe me until I showed them and now they too are Queen converts and while they don't know the lyrics like I do they have stopped criticizing me as I'm singing the insane lyrics to this crazy song. So thank you, thank you Freddie Mercury for being an inspiration to us all. Especially little JZ.
And mom...its better than me singing Regulators by Warren G and Nate Dogg, (RIP) right?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
First Haircut
I know, I know, Jackson is a little under 3 months old and he already got his first haircut? Well the answer is yes. While I've enjoyed his 'look' this whole time I was finding it entirely too time consuming to brush his luscious locks and decided the boy was in desperate need of haircut.

Besides, who better to cut his hair than my own hairstylist that I've been using since I was 8 years old? OF COURSE Malena had to do it! She was happy to oblige and the boy did outstanding. His grandpa held him while Malena snipped away and he really only started crying because he was hungry and we were prolonging his feeding. As soon as he was done he ate (hair all over the place and all) was bathed and dressed by his grandpa and relaxed the remainder of the night in grandpa's arms.

He let his mom and Gigi also get their hair did and in case you were wondering...the faux hawk is still very much there. We can cut all the hair we want, but this punk is a rock star through and through and that makes him a happy boy :)

Besides, who better to cut his hair than my own hairstylist that I've been using since I was 8 years old? OF COURSE Malena had to do it! She was happy to oblige and the boy did outstanding. His grandpa held him while Malena snipped away and he really only started crying because he was hungry and we were prolonging his feeding. As soon as he was done he ate (hair all over the place and all) was bathed and dressed by his grandpa and relaxed the remainder of the night in grandpa's arms.
He let his mom and Gigi also get their hair did and in case you were wondering...the faux hawk is still very much there. We can cut all the hair we want, but this punk is a rock star through and through and that makes him a happy boy :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Favorite Toy...so far...
So there is a lot that has gone on at Gigi and grandpa's house. I promise I'll start to take pictures/record the events but for now I'll show you his absolute favorite toy at his grandparent's houses, a spinning chair in their bedroom. He gets soooo excited every time we even go near it!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
A Lovely Day
As we all know yesterday was my birthday and what a fantastic day I had, but it didn't start off that way...At 3:30am (Jackson's feeding time) he decided to give me his own birthday present. As I was changing him, we had a projectile disaster of epic proportions. I mean, I STILL cannot wrap my head around the amount of clean up that I had to do from such a tiny person! I'll spare y'all the details (and definitely NO pictures) but lets just say I ended up washing ALL of his stuffed animals, everything on the changing table, the floor, the door to his room and because God is truly gracious I was saved from washing the couch by 6 inches.
I think our friend Jessica said it best--"He just got so excited about your birthday" ummm ya think? When I looked back he of course had the BIGGEST smile on his face and said, "goooooo". I had just been telling my friend Hillary when she asked me if I just want to lose it sometimes that he always manages to get a big smile on his face when I'm about to....see Hil? He did it AGAIN!
Anyways, the rest of the day went phenomenally. Jackson, Burrito and I made it to Town Lake and had a cup of Starbucks by Stevie Ray Vaughn, we took a leisurely stroll and when I got home I had a gorgeous arrangement of flowers at the front door and a present at the foot of our stairs.

As if he hasn't already given me enough, the amazing unbelievably brilliant husband got me the most fierce pair of shoes EVER and then took me to a fantastic French dinner at one of my favorite restaurants here in Austin. There I divulged in my favorite, a French 75 and finished off the evening with the most amazing apple pear tart ever.

Special thanks to my amazing brother and sister-in-law Mayra for watching the little monster while Jack and I enjoyed a fab dinner. So glad he didn't have a repeat incident for them ;)
I think our friend Jessica said it best--"He just got so excited about your birthday" ummm ya think? When I looked back he of course had the BIGGEST smile on his face and said, "goooooo". I had just been telling my friend Hillary when she asked me if I just want to lose it sometimes that he always manages to get a big smile on his face when I'm about to....see Hil? He did it AGAIN!
Anyways, the rest of the day went phenomenally. Jackson, Burrito and I made it to Town Lake and had a cup of Starbucks by Stevie Ray Vaughn, we took a leisurely stroll and when I got home I had a gorgeous arrangement of flowers at the front door and a present at the foot of our stairs.

As if he hasn't already given me enough, the amazing unbelievably brilliant husband got me the most fierce pair of shoes EVER and then took me to a fantastic French dinner at one of my favorite restaurants here in Austin. There I divulged in my favorite, a French 75 and finished off the evening with the most amazing apple pear tart ever.

Special thanks to my amazing brother and sister-in-law Mayra for watching the little monster while Jack and I enjoyed a fab dinner. So glad he didn't have a repeat incident for them ;)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Town Lake Trailblazers

Today we took our first trip to Town Lake with the little one. He was fascinated with all the people, dogs, fellow babies and especially the lake itself. As we were taking pictures, Jack was constantly fearful Jackson would somehow jump in the lake so he was mentally preparing to jump in after him in case this happened. I'm happy to report that our 2.5 month old decided to stay in mommy and daddy's arms and didn't make any attempt to swim home. Thank God. I was so worried.

We are really excited for future visits and this summer when we can finally break out the running stroller and rent some paddle boats to show Jackson the lake up close.

Friday, April 1, 2011
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