Today we had our 38 week appt. and it went really well, the Dr. said I haven't gained any weight since last week and I am now 1.5 cm. dilated and 50% effaced. I texted this to my brother who wants to be kept up to-the-minute as to when this 'eagle is landing' and he texted back 'ewww', but frankly I don't care because this just means that we are progressing!
The Dr also let me know that just in case I want to have a chat with this little chap of ours she would be on-call this Friday and Saturday so those would be good days for her. I told my parents this and they said to keep him in until Uncle Bibi gets back from saving orphans in Nicaragua (don't ask) next week and they can also be here by next weekend.
So all in all its a toss up. The ultimate decider and the one in complete control here is young Jeezy and he can come when he wants. We are now officially ready (well minus a few tasks) and our bags are packed and the car seat has been installed. I've even included a down comforter and pillow for the dad to be comfy in his hard-as-a-rock hospital bed...this eagle is free to land!
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