Well, we've come a lonnnngggg way with this kiddo and now we're down to the wire. Weekly Dr's visits, last minute to-do's and 3 weeks to go! Jack and I and the rest of the family are verrrryyy excited to meet this little guy really soon.
I had my Dr's appt today and she said everything is coming along just as planned. I even managed to lose 3 lbs in a week! Don't begin to ask how that happened, total fluke if you ask me. Anyways, she let me know all my stats check out, I've passed all my tests AND this baby will probably end up being on the smaller side so he'll be easy to deliver.
Fingers crossed this good news keeps up and in the mean time I leave you with pictures of the nursery. It's mostly done, we are just awaiting some paintings from his Aunt Hillary and some framed portraits of the rock star himself once he decides to bless us with his presence. If he's anything like his mom he'll be running late ;)
Love this nursery!!! I can't wait to meet my godson! I'm the luckiest person! See you in march!!!