Thank you thank you thank you Tia Ory! I LOVVVVVEEEEE the baby's gift! Today I came home and found a big box on my doorstep which to my surprise and Jack's relief was NOT in fact something that I had ordered (which is usually the case). I was so excited to see it was my first official 'shower gift' and present from my dearest Aunt Ory who lives in Baton Rouge, LA. I OF COURSE had to tear it open right away and asked Jack to put it together right there and then.
Doesn't it look fantastic? this thing vibrates, soothes, plays music and even comes with some cute puppies the baby can play with if bored with the other gadgets. I know I seem so shocked considering I put this item on my registry, but to be completely honest, I picked everything online so any extra components or details these items may have will be a surprise to me when I see it in person.
Anyways, I'm so excited to put the 'gordo' (as my fam has been referring to him lately) in here and I can only imagine what he'll look like so we've decided to start using the Burrito who is a whopping 10 lbs as a test subject from here on out on all baby products. I apologize for all you animal lovers out there, but these products WILL be tested on the animal and don't worry Tia Ory, he was only in there for 2 mins.
Pablo is going to be one lucky baby!!!
ReplyDeleteJZ (AKA Future Dad)