Spanish style clothes

Love you Tia Karla!

Besos Tia Sof!!
This baby has clothes. We get it. We love it. He'll use it. Please stop. As I have expressed previously my mom is WAY excited for this baby. I have a deep rooted feeling she is going to try and snatch him in the middle of the night and we'll have another Hush movie on our hands. Did y'all see that? mom poisons Gwyneth Paltrow because she wants her baby? There is no doubt in my mind that my mom wins in the grandma department. She is the best, now and forever, AMEN. There mom, I said it, now please stop shopping.
I have tittled her recent spree 'Spanish style clothes'. It's absolutely gorgeous, soft, cuddly and Pablo will surely be the snobbiest kid on the block. She also bought him a wooden puzzle because her and I really enjoy wooden toys, they are so organic and raw and perfect.
His aunt Karla and Sof also bought him the most adorable clothes ever! He just wants to say thank you to them from the bottom of his tiny little beating heart. How fun will it be to dress him up in his matching blanket/pantsuit and have him parading around dressed as a giraffe! I can't wait!!!
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