Friends and Family, it makes me sooo happy to say that I have made it to the 6 month mark which puts me right at 24 weeks! I wasn't supposed to have another ultrasound until 28 weeks which would also be my last, but my Dr. decided to move it up to today due to some minor complications I was having. No worries though please, everything is beyond ok and I got the clean bill of health from both her and all the corresponding nurses in the office.
I wanted to post some pictures from today because I can't believe how much this baby has grown in just a month but Jack wanted them for his office so just use your imagination ;). This boy was kicking around a whole lot while being measured by the ultrasound specialist and once again he turned out to be just fine. The Dr. even let us know that he is weighing in at 1lb 12 ounces which puts him ahead of schedule meaning this fatty in my belly is going to be a BIG boy. I am sooooo ready to meet him, especially now that he is really starting to kick a whole lot. Now if he would just turn around so I can stop running to the bathroom every 5 mins!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Pablo and the Windy City

This past weekend Pablito and I took a vacay to visit his aunties Megan and Kate in Chicago. His aunt Angie met us there as she flew in from Dallas for a bona-fide girls only/find-Angie-a-wedding-dress fun fantastical weekend. We had an absolute blast and it was so great to get away from the scorching Texas heat. I have to say Pablo especially enjoyed this trip because his mom ate her way through chi-town and now SERIOUSLY needs to watch what she inhales...intakes.
It was so much fun and I wish I had more pictures to share but we forgot to take a single picture while there so I've included a shot of downtown Chi at night while touching down in the airplane. His aunties all got to feel him kick around in my stomach and that made me especially happy because now they definitely know there is a Pablo in there!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spanish style clothes

Love you Tia Karla!

Besos Tia Sof!!
This baby has clothes. We get it. We love it. He'll use it. Please stop. As I have expressed previously my mom is WAY excited for this baby. I have a deep rooted feeling she is going to try and snatch him in the middle of the night and we'll have another Hush movie on our hands. Did y'all see that? mom poisons Gwyneth Paltrow because she wants her baby? There is no doubt in my mind that my mom wins in the grandma department. She is the best, now and forever, AMEN. There mom, I said it, now please stop shopping.
I have tittled her recent spree 'Spanish style clothes'. It's absolutely gorgeous, soft, cuddly and Pablo will surely be the snobbiest kid on the block. She also bought him a wooden puzzle because her and I really enjoy wooden toys, they are so organic and raw and perfect.
His aunt Karla and Sof also bought him the most adorable clothes ever! He just wants to say thank you to them from the bottom of his tiny little beating heart. How fun will it be to dress him up in his matching blanket/pantsuit and have him parading around dressed as a giraffe! I can't wait!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Older brother, Burrito.

How I have failed to mention this baby has an older brother is beyond me. Chaucer Burrito Zinda is such an integral part of our lives, I cannot believe that it has slipped my mind to even talk about him in the slightest. I think I forgot about him because he had been away on a summer vacation at his grandparent's house in El Paso for such a long time. Well, he is back now and more in-our-lives than ever before.
I'd like to say that Chaucer senses the fact that I am pregnant and he has a little brother on the way and is happy about this, but alas...this is NOT the case. Or maybe it is and he is just being his usual snobby-self. Regardless, I really have to do a better job about not letting him climb all over my belly and bark like mad in my ear when he 'thinks' he hears something.
Dearest Pablo, I hope you appreciate your older brother as much as he 'likes' you ;). Here he is sniffing around in the crib, I truly believe once the baby comes the Burrito really will enjoy taking naps with his little brother.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tailgatin' Pablito

This past weekend we took part in our first tailgate of the season and OF COURSE Pablo joined in the football festivities. We started off by going and visiting Pablo's uncle Bibi at his Texas Wranglers tailgate. He looked sooooo cute dressed up in his boots, hat and pearl snaps I just had to take a picture. We then headed over to Jack's Lawyer's Association tailgate which was truly awesome. Their building is adjacent to the Texas Capitol so we got to hang out on the roof deck and eat some, what else? BBQ!!!! All in all it was a good time and the Horns won, so fun was had by all.
OH! and we also received the crib in this weekend so Jack put it together Saturday night and his uncle Jorge installed the light fixture I had bought for Pablo's room (thanks for that brother!!!) the next day. His room is realllly looking like a nursery now and I can't wait to show y'all when its all said and done, I love just standing in there and looking around, its so serene.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
TeXaS Pride

I was so excited to find out this baby was a boy I just wanted to go out and find the 'perfect' baby boy gift for him. I really wanted to go the same day but Jack told me to wait and think about it until I figured out exactly what it was I wanted to get him. I'm so glad he made me hold out because I finally decided to get him the perfect pair of cowboy boots. This baby is after all a true Texan; he'll be born here, live here, kicks when he hears George Strait and craves BBQ meat like its going outta style! I know he won't be able to wear these for a while, but when he can he'll be the coolest kid at the rodeo ;)
Monday, September 6, 2010
5 months...yikes!
Well, in case you didn't think I was pregnant before, here it is. I'm thinking this will have to be the last 'naked' belly pic. from now on I will definitely start covering up (I think its necessary so you all will remain friends and family ;)). I'm really excited that I'm half way done with the pregnancy and the nursery and baby stuff buying is WELL under way! So 20 weeks down and 20 more to go!!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's a boy!!!! OR Jack's newest protégé!!!!!!!!

I am so happy to announce that the Zinda house will open its hearts and doors to a beautiful baby boy! Jack and I were truly expecting this baby to be a girl and were completely ready for the tutu's and wedding savings account. As Jack says though, "well this changes everything!!!" so now instead of tutu's and tiaras we'll be buying basketballs, bats and Jack's personal favorite...Dallas Cowboys seasons tickets.
Pictures (L to R):
1-Money Shot
2-Baby in 'U' position (legs above head...highly flexible)
3-Profile pic
4-Close-up of leg (very athletic don't you think?!?!?)
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