Friends and family, we have returned! We had the most epic Christmas break our little family could have ever asked for and I'll give you/show you the rundown of what went down...
We went to Turks and Caicos sans our sweet little cub to enjoy some time to ourselves before Christmas. It was in a word, perfect. Exactly what we needed and helped us completely relax after an extremely active last quarter of 2011.
After one day there we missed our boy like crazy! Thank you, thank you, thank you mom and dad for watching Jackson while we were away and for putting up with my 25 phone calls a day, my control-freak nature and my extreme OCD.
Seriously, the fact that my parents still love me is a true testament to their loyalty. Love you mami y papi :)
From warm sunny weather and sand beneath our toes we returned to my parents' house to this...
Cold weather, wind and snowwwwwww. El Paso had a white Christmas y'all! Even the dogs didn't want to go outside and instead chose to huddle together for some extra warmth...
The snow however did NOT deter Mr. Jackson. He was THRILLED to pieces at the white stuff and especially enjoyed eating it...
We celebrated Christmas eve around a warm fire and had our annual family cocktail party--decked out in matching red sweaters to make my mom happy because she likes us all to 'match' during Christmas. I know what you're thinking...this is a GREAT tradition right?! Well, I'll let you be the judge of that....
Let's just say I'm glad cocktails are involved in the red-sweater extravaganza that goes down every Christmas eve.
Anyways, Jackson didn't last too long as he was over served on milk. He went straight to bed and told us he couldn't WAIT to see what Santa brought him!
Christmas morning he was up bright and early and ready to see all of his neat presents.

While he thoroughly enjoyed playing with his gifts for 12.6 seconds he decided that the present he loves most of all is his 'lechita' (milk).
Can you find the baby in the wrapping paper?!
After an eventful morning, Gordo sat us all down and told us this was the most amazing Christmas he has ever been a part of and can't wait to do it again next year.
He then stood up, took a few steps!!! (More on this later!!!), yawned, and bid us adieu as he climbed up the stairs to take his morning nap.
We had an AMAZING Christmas with our little cub and we hope y'all had a loving and blessed one as well!