This hotel in particular though went all out for the cub and he received a stuffed frog when he checked in. Jackson however, wasn't impressed...Then on his bed (yes HIS bed) he got a special pillow with the perfect message for him. Still not impressed...His own toiletry bag with all the latest baby essentials...nah.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Another Day, Another Hotel Room
When Jack told us he was going away to a conference for 2 days we got pretty sad. Then he asked if we wanted to tag along....who US?! We're suckers for room service so of course we said yes. You know this kid has seen his fare share of hotel rooms!
This hotel in particular though went all out for the cub and he received a stuffed frog when he checked in. Jackson however, wasn't impressed...Then on his bed (yes HIS bed) he got a special pillow with the perfect message for him. Still not impressed...His own toiletry bag with all the latest baby essentials...nah.
What did he love most? THE BATHTUB!!!!!!!!!!

This hotel in particular though went all out for the cub and he received a stuffed frog when he checked in. Jackson however, wasn't impressed...Then on his bed (yes HIS bed) he got a special pillow with the perfect message for him. Still not impressed...His own toiletry bag with all the latest baby essentials...nah.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Turkey Day
Our Thanksgiving was spent at Grammy & Pops' house in Killeen, TX--as we have done every year. Only difference? We actually celebrated on Thursday instead of Friday this year!
Thanksgiving is Jack's FAVORITE holiday (mine is Halloween with Christmas a close second) so in years past we have typically gone to the Cowboys game on Thursday and Jack's mom has been kind enough to move her cooking to Friday instead.
Well this year however, we have a new who probably wouldn't fare too well at a Cowboys game--so for the first time in a long time we got to celebrate the same way everyone else does!

and.....TURKEY (with all the fixins' of course)!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lion Cub had lots of fun partaking in the bird, the veggies, and the rolls. He had a wonderful Thanksgiving and he wanted me to tell y'all that he hopes y'all had a good one too!
From our family to yours---HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Swim School
Today we started swim school. I enrolled Jackson last week and talked it up to him this whole time. He was extremely excited to get back in the water (it's been a few months since he's been in a pool) and thoroughly enjoyed himself.
We practiced our kicks...
and floating on our backs...
and then dada showed up! Jackson and I were SOOOO happy to see Jack dropped by for his very first class!
the cub did AMAZINGLY well. He did absolutely everything his swim coach asked and even jumped off the tower when Jack said, "JUMP!".
Best of all our new friend Jalen and his momma Shelley are in our class so the boys had fun splashing around together.
Our sweet boy thanked us profusely and I was so happy to tell him we get to do it all over again every week!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
10 Months!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Doctor's Lounge
Yesterday my dad picked us up from the airport mid afternoon so he still had to work. We tagged along with him and Jackson got to experience the wonder that is a Doctor's Lounge.
When my brothers and I were younger and my dad had 'kid duty' it usually meant us going to work with him and sometimes sitting in Doctor's Lounges for HOURS on end. They became a home away from home if you will.
We always minded our manners. Jackson on the other hand, spilled Cheerios all over the place and broke the recliner. Nice huh?

Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Jalen and Jackson
Jalen is Jackson's newest BFF. We met Jalen and his momma Shelley in the Nordstrom's bathroom and we've been fast friends ever since. Shelley is a talented photographer and Jalen is the most amazing of models for his mom...

Monday, November 7, 2011
Toilet Paper!
Jackson's newest favorite toy? Toilet paper. He discovered it over the weekend while at a hotel for an out-of-town wedding.
He now knows where there's a toilet, there's bound to be toilet paper...He's struck oil folks...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
A Happy Halloween
Halloween was a GREAT success and our sweet boy had a WONDERFUL time! He of course went as a lion cub...that's what he is after all! Plus, lately he's started roaring so it was too perfect!
I have to say, I normally devour him to pieces on a daily basis but he was especially delicious on Halloween, even tastier than all that candy I ended up eating, (no bueno).
The day started off with a trip to the Capitol where his AMAZING auntie Jo had prepared a trick-or-treating feast fit for a Lion King...

...but first we took some pictures on the Capitol lawn and let the cub soak in some sun. It's what jungle cats do best...
Jackson's auntie Jo gave him a gift bag full of his favorite cheerios (banana AND plum flavored!) and he obviously went to town on the wrapping...

And since I'm the cub's mom I got a 'mummy' cookie. Man Jo, you are GOOD! And so was that cookie ;)
After devouring some cheerios we took the cub trick-or-treating to different representative's offices where they gave him bags of candy and his other favorite treat--goldfish!
Here he is roaring for treats at the nice legislative directors. Scary...

The cub was tuckered out after his morning's jaunt at the Capitol so we went home to nap before his dada got home.
He was awoken by his big brother who was ready to go in his shark costume. Fitting huh? King of the jungle, King of the sea. Chaucer just loves competing with his brother and is constantly trying to steal the spotlight away from our boy. He's isn't the nicest brother around but what can we do, give him away? I tried. Jack won't allow it...but I digress...
After a stroll through our neighborhood we then took the boy to our friend Matt's parents' house so he could hang out with his friend, Max Davis.

Max went as MaxMan and the boys had a good time sitting in the front lawn and watching all the kids come by and ask for candy. Matt's parents house was the perfect scene for Halloween--they live in a great neighborhood with LOADS of kids, the nicest people and TONS of deer.
I wish I would have gotten a picture of the deer, I felt like we were in a movie with all these beautiful children and deer grazing all around us. It was like a Disney film in North Austin!

When we finally went home Jackson was exhausted but sooooo happy. We put him in his skeleton p.j's to end the night and when he woke up he fit in perfectly today--November 1st, Dia de Los Muertos!
As for his brother...Chaucer told us he'd take care of handing out the candy while we were gone but he ended up guarding it instead. We came home to this on our front porch...

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