As I said in the previous post, Jackson has quite a personality. When he is awake. He isn't awake very often which is why I don't have too many pictures with his eyes open. He also doesn't appreciate flash photography so when we do manage to get a picture of him he closes his eyes right away and decides that it will just be easier to go back to sleep than deal with his mom trying to get pictures of him. His dad knows this about him so recently I've realllyyyyy been pushing to get an SLR camera so that we can get optimal photography of our little munchkin :) COME ON DAD!!!!
Jackson also loves to eat. In fact, the only time he REALLY kind of sort of wakes up is to let me know that he is hungry. He grunts a little bit and starts making cute mouth movements, opens his eyes for 2 seconds and once he has begun his meal he goes right back to sleep...while eating. I know, crazy.
Jackson surprisingly LOVES bath time. I say I'm surprised because the only other time this kid is not happy is when we change his diaper. I thought, surely, he would not be pleased and would probably cry the whole time but once again he has proved me wrong. Jackson not only really enjoys bath time, he enjoys it soooo much that he does his favorite thing, falls asleep. I'll post a video of our little man getting his bath later tonight so you all can witness what I've been dealing with for the entirety of his short lived life.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about him sleeping, I just really wish there was more to talk about when it came to the little guy. For now this is the new normal though and his dad, his grandparents, all of his aunties and uncles and lovely friends couldn't be more pleased. He is an absolute dream and his doctor thinks that all this sleeping is going to make him extra big and extra strong so I may just end up with an NBA star after all ;)