Lately I've been really worried about how the baby is doing because I've been having the CRAZIEST dreams...For example, the other night I dreamt my water broke and the water was coming out of my belly button. I know, WEIRD. So to ease my insanity the husband decided we should get a 3D ultrasound done. I really hadn't thought that much about it because we've had lots of opportunities to see this little guy already but when he brought it up, I got REALLY excited and decided this was a brilliant idea.
I'm sooo happy we decided to do this, as strange as the pictures may look to others it was a very magical experience and if nothing else I got to see this little gordito moving around like a real-life-outside-the-womb baby!
As usual Pablito was in his "U" position...I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but we've had sonograms at 12 wks, 20 wks, and the last one was at 23 wks for a minor check. In every sonogram we've had for this kid he has ALWAYS had his legs over his head and he's been in the "U" position. Sure enough, like clockwork, at this 31 wk sonogram he ONCE AGAIN had his legs above his head and unfortunately his little foot was covering his face for the majority of the picture-taking. I'm thinking he is starting to think this is real funny and I'm hoping he won't try and come out in his infamous "U" position because mommy will NOT appreciate that very much.
That being said, I hope y'all can identify his beautiful little face, foot and all. The best picture BY FAR is the where we caught him rubbing his eyes. Precious...enjoy!