Well I went in for my 4 month appointment today. I'm happy to report that the baby is just fine and while I've been extremely worried about getting too fat, the Dr. insists that I am right on target for the amount of weight gain and to keep up my running to make sure it stays that way.
I tried ever so hard to get them to do a sonogram today also. I called, and called and begged and called and pleaded and called again. I even tried to get the Dr. to pull in the machine that was right outside the waiting room but she wouldn't budge! I'm sorry but I am the most impatient patient (ha) in the whole world and it is just killing me to not only not see this baby, but to not know the sex either!
Alas, I must wait until my 5 month appointment and then all shall be revealed. With all this impatience I almost forgot, I DID get to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time today!!! It was soooo exciting to at least hear everything is ok and I guess this is all a good lesson in patience.
I'll post belly pics later on today...