And the journey begins...We went to the Dr.'s office on May 26, 2010 to confirm what the 6 pee sticks (pregnancy tests) had already told me...I am pregnant!
We arrived to the Dr.'s office early that morning with great anticipation in our hearts but utter disbelief in our minds. Are we really pregnant? Is this really happening? How did this all work out?
With all these looming questions in my mind the Dr. walked in, told me to disrobe and next thing you know we are looking at a full picture of what's going on inside me...
Dr.: "And here we are. Yup, your pregnant, looks like about 6 weeks."
Jack: "Wow, that is so awesome."
Me: "Are you sure that isn't a tumor???"
Dr: "YOU ARE PREGNANT...plus, tumors don't have heartbeats."
So there you have it. And let the blogging begin!